
Send Enquiry

Trudie Peacock

Dip.Couns, MBACP

My approach is person-centred which means supporting you in finding your own way forward. This kind of counselling provides you with an opportunity to voice your thoughts and feelings in a confidential and non-judgemental environment.

My role through the process is to provide therapeutic support and during sessions, I will always be at your side. Offering you respect and dignity regardless of your sex, race, religion, colour, age, economic status, sexual preference or beliefs.

I offer a free initial 20-minute consultation, where we can discuss what has brought you to counselling and what you hope to gain. Importantly, it is also an opportunity for you to see if you feel comfortable working with me. Following sessions are 50 minutes.

Every sixth session will include a review, to allow us to discuss how you are progressing and to confirm if your needs are being met.


Private Practice, Person-Centred counsellor
Choices CIC – Community help offering individuals counselling
Next step against domestic abuse for victim support
Changes Mental Health support group facilitation
Covid lock down telephone counselling volunteer and NHS telephone first responder

Training, qualifications & experience

  • Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling Level 4
  • Certificate in Counselling Studies - Level 3
  • ABC Concepts Course - Level 2
  • NOCN Coordinator Training Program, Mental Health groups

Memberships & Accreditations

BACP registered member logo featuring Trudie Peacocks membership number 380664 and MBACP text. Also includes the Professional Standards Authority accredited register logo.


  • £55

Private Healthcare Insurance

  • WPA