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Helping Children Overcome Anxiety and/or OCD

Saturday 6th September 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

A child in a yellow sweater covers their face with their hands while sitting at a table with open notebooks and pencils. A circular inset shows a smiling person. The text CPD and The Eaves Academy Farnham appears on the image.

This presentation will outline the parent-led anxiety treatment programme ‘S.P.A.C.E.’ (Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions), a programme created by Dr. Eli Lebowitz at the Yale Child Study Centre. The programme reduces anxiety in children and adolescents through changing parental responses to anxiety and reducing accommodations parents are making around the anxiety.

Some of the main anxiety problems treated with SPACE include:

• Separation anxiety
• Social anxiety
• Generalised anxiety
• Fears and phobias
• Panic disorder and Agoraphobia
• Selective mutism
• Obsessive-compulsive disorder

What You Can Take Away from This CPD

Understanding Childhood Anxiety: Learn about the causes and maintenance of anxiety in children and adolescents.

The Role of Parents: Understand how parental responses can reinforce anxiety and how to alter them.

Practical Tools: Discover strategies to reduce overprotectiveness and encourage emotional independence.

Evidence-Based: Explore the scientific backing of S.P.A.C.E. and its effectiveness in treatment.

Presenting: Katrina Batley

When my daughter started Primary School, she was completely silent. She has selective mutism, an anxiety condition. She is prone to anxiety, and anxiety can show up in a range of areas for her.

When we first realised there was a problem, it really took its toll on us as parents. The mental and emotional load was really overwhelming.

But I wasn’t happy to sit back and hope everything got better by itself. I learned the tools, studied the techniques, and helped my child to make wonderful progress in overcoming anxiety. I dedicated myself to helping other parents feel more in control, by knowing what they can do themselves, at home, to support their child.

I was a primary school teacher for almost twenty years, after which I studied/qualified as:

• Master’s degree in the Psychology and Neuroscience of Mental Health
• Accredited Goulding method consultant
• Trained provider of the Supportive Parenting of Anxious Childhood Emotions (SPACE) program
• Emotional Freedom Technique
• Certified personal development coach
• Certified mental health coach
• Certified trauma-informed coach

I support parents to learn strategies at home to support their and their child’s emotional wellbeing. Let’s work together, to help you and your child feel better.

Please note: This event is only available to qualified talking therapy professionals that hold a BACP, BPS or similar membership. A CPD certificate will be issued after the event to all attendees.


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The Eaves
2 Maritime House, The Hart
Farnham, Surrey GU9 7HW
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