Time to Talk Day 2020
Time to Talk Day is an awareness day coordinated by Time to Change, an organisation which aims to reduce the stigma around mental health problems. Time to Talk Day focuses on encouraging us to speak openly about our feelings, without shame. It is also led by two large mental health charities: Mind and Rethink Mental Illness, who work together to try get these conversations flowing.
Mental health problems affect approximately 1 in 4 of us at some point in our lives (*), therefore feeling comfortable opening up about how you’re feeling is vital and Time to Talk have come up with handy suggestions to make this process easier.
Time to Talk offers varying resources people can use to start a conversation about mental health. These include tips for talking, ice breakers and different conversation packs.
Tips for talking:
- Asking open, non-leading questions
- Listening is best, don’t offer advice unless directly asked
- Treat them the same
- Be patient – they may not feel comfortable opening up yet, but from an initial conversation they will know you are here for them
Would you rather:
This year Time to Change, the organisation behind the awareness day, has launched an alternative spin on the well-known game ‘Would you rather?’ to help break the ice and get conversation flowing. They offer online tools and print outs to encourage conversations around our well being.
Whether you are chatting to a friend, a colleague or a family member, Time to Talk have released conversation packs suitable for any situation.
You can find the resources mentioned and many more here: www.time-to-change.org.uk/time-talk-day/resources-your-event#toc-2
Why is Time to Talk Day important?
A recent review (**) found that psychological treatments such as talking therapies were preferred compared to medication. By normalising seeking help when we’re feeling low, it may encourage people to access the different therapeutic tools available.
By talking openly about our mental health, it can promote treatments like talking therapies. Initiatives like Time to Talk Day are key, as a substantial amount of evidence has shown the importance of preventative behaviours and promotion of positive well being (***). For example, simple acts such as asking how your friend or colleague is feeling, can lead to vital conversations.
If you need to someone to talk to regarding your mental well being, The Eaves has fully qualified practitioners with immediate availability to help. Please contact us via the enquiry form or call us on 01483 91700 where our referrals team will be happy to source a suitable therapist for you.
* McManus, S., Meltzer, H., Brugha, T. S., Bebbington, P. E., & Jenkins, R. (2009). Adult psychiatric morbidity in England, 2007: results of a household survey. The NHS Information Centre for health and social care.
**McHugh, R. K., Whitton, S. W., Peckham, A. D., Welge, J. A., & Otto, M. W. (2013). Patient preference for psychological vs. pharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders: a meta-analytic review. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, 74(6), 595.
*** World Health Organization (2002). Strengthening mental health. Resolution of the Executive Board of the WHO. Geneva. EB109.R8.