The Eaves CPD Event January 2020
At The Eaves we hold regular free CPD (Continuing Professional Development) training, which is open to all therapists working at The Eaves to attend. Our most recent training in January was presented by Trish Barry-Relph who specialises in working with families going through a separation or divorce.
Trish’s presentation ‘When the Frame Doesn’t fit The Picture’ gave a clinical reflection of the co-parental alliance following separation and divorce. She presented this from a psychoanalytic, intersubjective and relational perspective. Trish spoke about separation between parents and what it is like to work within the court system.
Needing to enter into therapy can be prompted by difficulties in relationships/families, particularly around divorce and separation and where the children are being directly affected. Trish delved into the conversation of working with parents and families dealing with separation and co-parenting with one particular interest being a discussion around parental responsibility when it comes to disputes involving children, and how to handle the court battle inside the counselling room. One thing that Trish believes firmly is keeping the focus on the child, the child’s happiness and the best situation for the child (or children) and working up from there rather than trying to take one parents side over the other.
The therapists who attended the presentation enjoyed it and found it very informative – one counsellor said afterwards ‘…excellent session which brought together a wealth of experience presented with pragmatism and empathy.’.
If you are dealing with issues surrounding divorce and separation and would like to speak to a professional, contact The Eaves team on 01483 917000 and we will be happy to help find the appropriate therapist for you.
If you are a qualified Counsellor, Psychotherapist or Psychologist and are interested in joining our community of practitioners, please contact The Eaves team on 01483 917000 to find out more.
Our next free CPD event will explore working therapeutically with adults with learning disabilities.