Mental health considerations during the Covid-19 outbreak
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has released guidance on the considerations of Mental Health during the recent Coronavirus outbreak*.
The outbreak has had an impact on all of our lives over the past few weeks, however there are steps we can take to ease the stress and anxiety for ourselves and others during this difficult time:
- Avoid watching, reading or listening to news that can cause you to feel anxious or distressed. Seek professional guidelines and avoid listening to or following rumours.
- If you are at high risk and have been advised to limit physical social contact with others, ensure you stay in touch with loved ones and communicate regularly to avoid feeling isolated. You can keep in contact with people by phone, email or social media.
- During times of stress, pay attention to your own needs and feelings. Keep your daily routine as normal as possible, exercise regularly, eat healthily and maintain your sleep pattern.
- Keep things in perspective, learn the facts and stay positive.
Many therapists are currently offering sessions by telephone or video call. Please contact The Eaves team if you would like to arrange an appointment.