Mental health advice for healthcare professionals
The coronavirus outbreak is having a significant impact on us all. It has affected the way in which we work and live our lives.
But for many doctors and healthcare professionals this may bring increased pressure and stress, to an already challenging job.
Mental health in healthcare professionals
Whilst we are aware of the amazing job healthcare professionals are doing, we should also recognise the struggles they face.
- Studies show working in human service occupations (e.g. medicine, nursing and midwifery) can contribute to mental health difficulties (*)
- Occupational stress is one of the largest work-related health problems associated with healthcare jobs (**)
- A UK study by the British Medical Association surveyed approximately 4,300 doctors and medical students (***). The survey revealed a high prevalence of psychological and emotional conditions and worrying levels of burnout in doctors due to a their demanding role.
By raising awareness of the struggles that healthcare professionals face, we can promote mental health support services available for those who may need it.
Self-care tips
The academy of Medical Royal colleges has released some tips to help health care professionals take care of themselves, whilst taking care of others.
They advise:
- Take regular breaks at work
- Keep informed on new coronavirus updates from credible sources
- Getting enough sleep and eating healthily is vital
- Keep in touch with friends and family for support
- Acknowledge your feelings
- Reach out for support when you need it
They stress that it is important you look after your own wellbeing, and if you are struggling to reach out for help.
The Eaves is proud to announce that we are now offering FREE weekly counselling sessions to the NHS and keyworkers who may be struggling due to the coronavirus pandemic. Please contact us on 01483 917000 to access this service.
We are also taking new private referrals, so if you are dealing with emotional difficulties at the moment and would like support, please contact us on 01483 91700 where our team would be happy to source you a suitable therapist.
(*) Vilija Malinauskienė, Palmira Leišytė, Romualdas Malinauskas (2009) Psychosocial job characteristics, social support, and sense of coherence as determinants of mental health among nurses. Medicina (Kaunas); 45(11)
(**) G Mark, A. P. Smith (2011). Occupational stress, job characteristics, coping, and the mental health of nurses. British Journal of Health Psychology. 10.1111/j.2044-8287.2011.02051