Getting Back to Work After Covid-19
As lockdown restrictions are slowly being lifted it will soon be time for many of us to return to work. A lot people are experiencing concerns not only about their physical health amid the COVID-19 outbreak, but are also dealing with financial worries and mental health problems.
The nation is now dealing with the effects of unemployment as well as raised anxiety levels about returning to work. Also, social media has been flooded with people worrying about returning to ‘normal life’.
A recent Survey conducted by YouGov of 1,000 working adults found that 44% of people reported feeling anxious about the prospect of going back to work. They found this was mostly related to the health risks posed by COVID-19 to them and those close to them. (*)
Tips to Help in Heading Back to Work
- Talk to someone trustworthy at work – let them know how you’re feeling and remember you are not alone in what you’re experiencing.
- Take notice of Government advice –and stick to it, if this is a problem at work, talk to your manager in the first instance.
- Try and remember – that you have managed to cope during lockdown, and you have the ability to you cope as we come out of it.
- Recognise your triggers– recognising triggers can help reduce panic. Make sure to take a break and step away for a minute and take some time to breathe and calm down.
- Keep positive – thinking negatively will only heighten your anxiety. Try and see returning to work as a positive step.
- Ask for help – if you are struggling with workplace anxiety there is no shame in asking your colleagues or manager for help and to voice your feelings.
At The Eaves, we have counsellors, psychotherapists and psychologists who can help with anxiety and many other mental health problems. If you are looking for someone to speak to, please contact the referrals team on 01483 917000 who would be happy to help source the right therapist for you.