Eating Disorder Awareness Week 25 Feb – 3 Mar
Eating Disorders have the highest risk of death than any other mental health disorder. Making sure people who are suffering receive treatment early on has a large impact on their recovery. Therefore, being able to recognise the signs and symptoms of an eating disorder is so important.
The National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA) have chosen “Come as You Are” as their theme for National Eating Disorder Awareness Week which is from 25th February to 3rd March 2019. They chose this theme to promote inclusivity within people who are dealing with and recovering from eating disorders. They aim to encourage those whose stories are not so widely recognized to speak out. NEDA want to ensure that people who feel as though they do not fit the standard of what is expected in a person with an Eating Disorder feel as though their thoughts and experiences are valid.
In honour of National Eating Disorder Awareness Week, NEDA are running a Body Acceptance Challenge. Here, you can make a pledge to ‘ditch the diet culture’ and promote body acceptance. This will then lead you to different ways to get involved as well as having the opportunity to explore the NEDA website for helpful resources.
To get involved with National Eating Disorder Awareness Week and to learn more about the signs of an eating disorder see the link below.
#ComeAsYouAre #NEDAwareness