Learning Difficulties

Someone who has learning difficulties may find the education system difficult, as their brain is not able to receive and process information in the same way as others. They may have trouble performing certain tasks, displaying skills and may also struggle with social skills and interaction. There are also specific learning difficulties, which are significant, life-long conditions which have developed in childhood and may have affected development. These include: Dyslexia – primarily affects reading, spelling and writing, but may also affect memory, sequencing, spoken language, motor skills and organisation. Dyscalculia – affects the ability to understand and carry out basic mathematical processes. ADHD – attention deficit hyperactive disorder. Affects the ability to concentrate, focus on one thing and results in hyperactivity, fidgeting, unable to sit still. These difficulties can be categorised as mild, moderate or severe. At The Eaves, our team of experienced therapists can help in providing initial diagnosis and support for individuals, their parents or partners.

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Learning disability is often confused with learning difficulties such as dyslexia or ADHD.
Mencap describes dyslexia as a “learning difficulty” because, unlike learning disability, it
does not affect intellect.

If you have been experiencing symptoms that you think might be ADHD, you are not
alone. It’s never too late to talk to a mental health professional to get a diagnosis and
the help and support you need.

Dyslexia is recognised as a disability under the 2010 Equality Act. This means that
schools, colleges, universities and workplaces are legally required to make reasonable
adjustments to support an individual. A diagnosis of dyslexia lasts for life and the
assessment report can be used throughout school, university and the workplace. It is
not necessary to have another assessment report later in life.